Online courses ease overcrowding, reduce personal time with teachers.

Technology’s widening availability could help alleviate some of the pressures the booming student population is bound to bring. Online learning opportunities are cropping up ev

Online courses ease overcrowding, reduce personal time with teachers.

Technology’s widening availability could help alleviate some of the pressures the booming student population is bound to bring. Online learning opportunities are cropping up everywhere, and if their integrity and value can be substantiated, local educators might consider them as credible curriculum options. Because online courses wouldn’t necessarily require additional classroom space or teaching staff, they could conceivably enable schools to offer more with less. Palm Springs High School Principal Ricky Wright expects the variety of student interests to grow as student population grows.

"I’d like to be able to set up a lab where kids can come in, and if they’re interested in Japanese, they can take a course online and get credit for it" Wright said.

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