Students who visit computer-training centre can be broadly divided into three categories. The first category is of keen learners that comprise 25 per cent of the crowd and want to acquire jobs on its basis. The second 45 per cent bulk category of the lear

Students who visit computer-training centre can be broadly divided into three categories. The first category is of keen learners that comprise 25 per cent of the crowd and want to acquire jobs on its basis. The second 45 per cent bulk category of the learners are the ones who want to learn computers to enhance their professional skills and remain abreast with the latest. The remaining 30 per cent are the non-serious kinds.

This is the axiom that propelled a Chandigarh-based IT company, NetWorld Solutions to launch an IT education Web site,, last week. The site enables students to interact directly with IT professionals to obtain high-quality IT education.

The core focus of this Web site is to provide access to affordable professional training to students and provide an opening to experienced IT professionals who can earn a bit extra by giving their expert advice.

The market for IT education in India is estimated at over 1,500 crore per year with a growth rate of over 15 per cent per annum. The current business model of the IT training industry is capital intensive, non-transparent and highly dependent on advertising. As per Nasscom estimate there are over 70,000 private training institutes in India. These are fragmented among national branded franchisee operated facilities and local training providers. Less than 10 per cent of these fulfill any minimum quality norms.

The main drawback faced by these training centers is the lack of quality instructors. The prospective students are unable to obtain unbiased advice as to which curriculum or career stream best suits them. Prospective students are also unable to assess the skill level of instructors before committing to training expenditure and the biggest tragedy is that an aspiring student is unable to access the untapped knowledge reservoir of working IT professionals.

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