Committee on Culture, Science and Education – Rapporteur: Mrs Tytti Isohookana-Asunmaa, Finland, Liberal, Democratic and Reformers' Group.For debate in the Standing Committee see Rule 15 of the Rules of Procedure.
The Assembly believes in ensuring fair access to digital material for educational and other socialy necessary purposes. In order to take account of new information technology, a new balance has to be established between rewarding intellectual property owners and making their work available to the larger public.
The Council of Europe should join forces with Unesco, and other international bodies, for example in preparation of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), in order to establish the public service principle in the digital environment and to draw up norms for the use of such material
I. Draft recommendation on the digital divide and education [Link to the Adopted text]
II. Explanatory memorandum – by Mrs Isohookana-Asunmaa [Link to the Adopted text]
Reporting committee: Committee on Culture, Science and Education
Reference to committee: Doc. 9448 and Reference No 2735 of 29.5.2002
Draft recommendation adopted unanimously by the committee on 30 October.
Members of the committee: MM. de Puig (Chairman), Saglam, Baronne Hooper MM. Prisacaru (Vice-Persons), Akhvlediani, Apostoli, Asciak, Bajrami, Banks (Alternate: Russell-Johnston), Barbieri, Berceanu, Berzinš, Billing, Braga, Mrs Castro, MM. Chaklein, Cherribi, Colombier, Mrs Cryer, MM. Cubreacov, Dalgaard, Mrs Damanaki, Mrs Delvaux-Stehres, Mrs Domingues, Mr Duka-Zólyomi, Mrs Fernández-Capel, MM. Gadzinowski, Galoyan, Gentil, Gierek (Alternate: Podgosrski), Mrs Glovacki-Bernardi, MM. Goris, Haraldsson, Hegyi, Higgins (Alternate: Mooney), Iannuzzi, Irmer, Mrs Isohookana-Asunmaa, MM. Jakic, Jarab, Kalkan, Mrs Katseli (Alternate: Skoularikis), Mrs Klaar, Mrs Kutraité Giedraitiené, MM. Lachat, Legendre, Lekberg, Lengagne, Libicki, Mrs Lucyga, MM. Maass, Malgieri (Alternate: Bianco), Marxer, Mrs Melandri, MM. Melnikov, Mestan, Mrs Milotinova, MM. Nigmatulin, O’Hara, Mrs Pintat Rossell, MM. Rakhansky, Rockenbauer, Rybak, Schellens, Mrs Schicker, MM. Schneider, Schweitzer, Seyidov, Shybko, Mrs Skarbøvik, MM. Sudarenkov, Theodorou, Vakilov, Valk, Wodarg, Yürür, Mrs Zaciragic, Mrs Zafferini, ZZ… (Romania) (Alternate: Mr Ionescu).
Head of Secretariat: Mr Grayson
Secretaries to the committee: Mr Ary, Mme Theophilova, Mr Torcatoriu
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