ICT as an instrument for foreign language teaching: methodologies and practical

Il CILTA – Centro Interfacoltà di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata “L. Heilmann” – organizza per il prossimo mese di Giugno 2006 un Corso per  insegnanti di lingua straniera dal titolo: “ICT as an instrument for  foreign language teaching: methodologies and practical application”

L’iniziativa che è stata inserita nel database europeo qui con il codice IT-2006-073.

Gli insegnanti europei, ma non italiani, interessati al Corso potranno  ottenere una borsa per la copertura delle spese di iscrizione, vitto ed  alloggio, fino ad un massimo di 1.500 euro.

Maggiori informazioni possono essere reperite  nel sito dedicato

ICT as an instrument for foreign language teaching: methodologies and practical application”

Cilta is proposing for the Summer 2006 an advanced in-training course focusing on the international context of didactical Web technologies and aimed at providing teachers instruments and tools for the acquisition of an autonomous role within the teaching-learning process, and in particular within the process of courseware production. With this objective, during the Course students will be asked to create their own teaching project: the multimedia content produced by the trainees will be collected on individual Web sites for a presentation to the class.

The structure of the Course, developed over a two week period, will allow a more theoretical approach during the first week and a more practical approach during the second week: after an introduction focusing on the ICT issues related to language teaching, and after an in-depth analysis of methodological and technical aspects related to the use of media, the module will offer lab activities and teaching practice



June 19th – June 30th


1st day – Monday

9.00 – Welcome greeting at CILTA. Introduction to the Course, presentation of the participants and discussion of their expectations based upon collection of online questionnaires.

– A “getting-to-know-you” session:  pair or group discussion of one or two statements on methodology.

– Showtime: FIRST school video clips, ALTAIR tests video clips. Feedback.

11.00 Coffee Break.

11.30 Theoretical background, bibliographical reference. Distribution of course material.

– What does Web technology offer the language teacher: an overview and online demo’s. Web content – web services – server and client – database technology.


2nd day – Tuesday

9.00 – “On-line resources for the development of lexical skills: lexical skills: dictionaries and concordance programs”.

11.00 Coffee Break.

11.30 – “The implementation of multimedia in teaching”. Internet in Class: practical, technological and methodological problems. Objectives and pedagogical strategies.


3rd day – Wednesday

9.00 – Songs in Teaching and Learning English: a Multimedia Approach”. Where learning approaches acquisition: songs and computers in the classroom.

11.00 Coffee Break.

11.30 – “Digital Rights issues”: educational licences and Creative Commons.


4th day – Thursday

9.00 – ”Basic notions for the production and the use of audio resources on the Internet”.

– Audio; digitalization; compression; audio, player and plug-in formats; streaming.

– The acquisition of audio signals and conversion into numeric formats; most important audio formats, Compression, Players and Plug-ins.

11.00 Coffee break.

11.30 – Streaming, Media production tools, Examples of Quicktime media production.


On Thursday afternoon, the lab and a tutor will be available from 15 to 17.30 for trainees
5th day – Friday

9.00 – “The development and integration of audio resources for multimedia language learning on-line”.  Audio editing and media production; multimedia and interactivity; creating and disseminating listening activities on the web: context, motivation, selection of resources.

11.00 Coffee break.

11.30 – Captioning and transcription software.

– Practical session with audio editing and media production.

– Demo and problem-solving session.


On Friday afternoon, the lab and a tutor will be available from 15 to 17.30 for trainees


6th day – Saturday

Guided tour; cultural itinerary.


7th day – Sunday

Free day.


8th day – Monday

9.00/13.00 – Introduction to CILTA tutors.

– Presentation of CILTA’s multimedia projects and technological tools for students: ALTAIR, Webclass, ProjectPad…

– Questions, doubts, group feedback session, etc…


9th day – Tuesday

9.00/13.00 – Identification of a common project: A Web site integrating multimedia resources; Selection of an individual project; Division of participants into working groups; Identification of a tutor for each working group.

– Media retrieval from copyright-free (copyleft) sites.

– Digital media and personal creativity.

– Sources of audio materials for language teaching. Autonomous media production: tools and skills.


10th day – Wednesday

9.00/13.00 – The day will be dedicated to the realization of a presentation and to the autonomous elaboration of the materials.

– Free practice in the labs, with the presence and assistance of a CILTA tutor, with the teaching material introduced during the Course.


11th day – Thursday

9.00/13.00 – Improvement and conclusion of individually produced materials.

– Opening of the presentation of the single projects: Groups A and B.


12th day – Friday

9.00/13.00 – Class presentation of the single projects realized during the Course: Groups B and C.

– Critical evaluation of the Course.

– Goodbyes.



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